Author: Richard Warenisca

Kieran – Cohort 2 (Alumni)

Scholar Story

Before starting the FTS programme I wanted to make sure teaching was for me. So I sourced work experience from the secondary school I attended as a student, and I loved it. The FTS programme allowed me to develop my teaching skills whilst spending time in the classroom as well as through the study modules.

Whilst at Brunel university I also had the opportunity to participate in a summer internship at Rivers Academy West London, during this internship I was offered a permanent position after completing university.

I now work at Rivers Academy West London as an ITT, however this has not stopped me being provided with opportunities for progression, due to my strong foundations as a result of my previous experience and the FTS programme.

I currently hold the position of Mastery Lead, developing teaching for mastery within the maths department, as well as a whole school role as the Assistant Transition Lead where I am responsible for the transition of Year 6’s to Year 7.

Furthermore I have just been accepted on the NCETM, Secondary Mastery Specialist Training programme to continue to develop my teaching, my departments teaching and the teaching of mathematics at other schools.

Please feel free to contact me via the Future Teaching Scholars team if you have any questions –