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Ofqual announces support for GCSE students in 2022

Last week, Ofqual announced a package of support for students taking GCSE examinations this summer across all subjects, including maths and physics.

Given the ongoing disruption that students have experienced as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, Ofqual wishes to “provide a safety net” for those whose learning has been impacted. Without this support, some students – particularly those in areas of greater deprivation – may not be able to reach their attainment potential.

While each exam board has published specific guidance for their exams, the general support for GCSE Maths and Physics exams in 2022 is summarised below.

Support for GCSE Maths

  • Information has been provided on the focus of exams to help students with their revision;
  • A formulae sheet is being provided for teaching and learning;
  • Students will receive a clean version of this formulae sheet in the exams;
  • Grade boundaries will be set more generously by examiners.

Support for GCSE Physics

  • Information has been provided on the focus of exams to help students with their revision;
  • A revised equation sheet is being provided for teaching and learning;
  • Students will receive a clean version of this equation sheet in the exams;
  • Teachers can deliver practical work by demonstration;
  • Grade boundaries will be set more generously by examiners.

How might this affect teaching?

The aim of this additional support is to be as fair as possible to students – and it will undoubtedly make planning for Year 11 maths and physics lessons more effective, too.

One of our Scholar speakers at the last Scholar to Scholar event in November gave some advice to our Year 4 Scholars about understanding what skill they want to test students on in any given lesson. Ofqual’s support, such as students having access to physics equations in the exams, will allow teachers to re-focus their attention onto other areas.

As researched last year by one of our Scholars, maths anxiety affects around one in ten pupils and has a significant impact on performance, particularly in secondary school. Pupils most often felt anxious about exams – so knowing some of the topics that will come up in the exams should help inspire confidence and alleviate some of this anxiety.

You can find more information about the changes to GCSE Maths and Physics exams in 2022 on the GOV.uk guidance page, where further links to each exam board are also provided.