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Teacher wellbeing: Sparking a culture and celebrating your success

Whoever said that moving house was the most stressful situation in life has clearly never taught a class full of Year 9s. But while some people naturally thrive in stressful environments, for many of us it can cause our wellbeing to fluctuate.

As teachers, you can’t always control our external environment (as much as we’d love to) – but you can control what you’re able to do. And although the demands of teaching will always be there, taking control of your wellbeing wherever possible can help keep your health in good stead.

Remember your impact as a teacher

If you can still remember some of your old school teachers fondly, then imagine the impact that you can have (and are having) on your pupils. Sometimes, taking a step back and remembering your reasons for getting into teaching can help to refocus your mindset.

At our first Scholar Roundtable event last month, we asked four of our graduate Scholars what their greatest success with a student is. Unsurprisingly, this section of the roundtable was the longest of all – which emphasises just how much teachers achieve from week to week. So, don’t forget about your own successes!

Spark an increased culture of wellbeing

Even if you only began teaching in September, you are making a difference and your impact is felt. So don’t underestimate the power you have to influence your colleagues and those within your networks.

It can really help to know that other teachers have experienced similar challenges to those you might be facing. And likewise, it can be such a morale boost to celebrate your successes together – don’t be silent!

The more you share, the stronger your support networks become and the better they can serve your wellbeing – as well as the culture of wellbeing within your setting.

Don’t forget about physical wellbeing

Teaching doesn’t just require mental concentration and fortitude, but physical stamina too. From being on your feet all day to taking dozens of exercise books home for marking – looking after yourself both mind and body will serve you well as a teacher.

Consider the following tips to boost your physical wellbeing:

  • Find your stress-reducing activity – Physical activity can be a great way to combat stress. Whether that’s through rock climbing or speed cleaning, we encourage you to get the endorphins flowing your way.
  • Maintain positive sleep habits – Sleep is the ultimate reset for your body. Try continuing your regular sleep routine throughout the winter break so that you can kick off the new term with good-quality sleep come January.
  • Water, water, water – Staying hydrated can work wonders: it helps reduce fatigue, prevent headaches and increase overall energy levels. Keep a water bottle at your desk and leave a post-it note reminder to top it up throughout the day.


If you’re a Scholar and you find yourself struggling, having a frank discussion with your mentor can really help. In addition, you can always reach out to the FTS Team by emailing info@futureteachingscholars.com for additional support – we’re here to help.