The Young Mathematical Story Author (YMSA) competition is an annual international competition set up to encourage young mathematics learners (8-15 years old) from around the world to embed their mathematics learning in a meaningful and engaging context through creating their own mathematical story picture book. This competition is organised by MathsThroughStories.org.
Why now encourage maths students in your school to create a story! The judging panel will be looking for stories that clearly explain and embed a chosen mathematical concept in a meaningful context and have an engaging plot. To read the full entry criteria and terms and conditions, please click here.
The winner in each of the two entry categories will receive an award of £100, and their school will also receive £100. The winner will also have their own profile, their school’s profile and their winning entry featured on the MathsThroughStories.org website.
The closing date for entries is Friday 27 March 2020, and authors of winning and shortlisted entries will be notified of the outcome via their teacher by Monday 11 May 2020.
Best of luck to all those that apply!