Felicia – Cohort 1 (Alumni)

UniversityUniversity of Birmingham

“I never expected I would be able to plan a 50-minute lesson in 2 hours, but now it feels natural to ask for opportunities to practice and learn”

When I was at school, I had teachers who believed in me and pushed me to achieve more than I ever thought I could. For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to emulate these amazing role models that helped me to grow and develop as a mathematician and as an individual.

The unique Future Teaching Scholar pathway has allowed me to balance valuable teaching practice with my university studies, and has given me the opportunity to gain confidence through practice, research, constructive feedback and reflection. The mentors that I have worked with have always driven me to plan starter tasks, small group activities, and even whole lessons; I never expected I would be able to plan a 50-minute lesson in 2 hours, but now it feels natural to ask for opportunities to practice and learn. The immense support and encouragement of every member of the FTS community has been a reassurance and a motivator, and I feel extremely proud and privileged to be a Future Teaching Scholar.